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  • Welcome to Algonkian Author Connect

    Novel Writing on Edge

    Novel Writing and Development From Premise to Publication

    AlgonkianHASTE IS A WRITER'S SECOND WORST ENEMY, HUBRIS BEING THE FIRST, AND BAD ADVICE IS SECONDS BEHIND THEM BOTH... Welcome to Author Connect. Created and nurtured by Algonkian Writer Events and Programs, this website is dedicated to enabling aspiring authors in all genres to become commercially published. The various and unique forum sites herein provide you with the best and most comprehensive writing, development, and editorial guidance available online. And you might well ask, what gives us the right to make that claim? Our track record for getting writers published for starters. Regardless, what is the best approach for utilizing this website as efficiently as possible? If you are new, best to begin with our "Novel Writing on Edge" (NWOE) forum. Peruse the development and editorial topics arrayed before you, and once done, proceed to the more exclusive NWOE guide partitioned into three major sections.

    In tandem, you will also benefit by sampling the editorial, advice review, and next-level craft archives found below. Each one contains valuable content to guide you on a realistic path to publication. In a world overflowing with misleading and erroneous novel writing advice our goal is to become your primary and tie-breaking source .

    Your Primary and Tie-Breaking Source - From the Heart, But Smart

    There are no great writers, only great rewriters.

    AlgonkianFor the record, our novel writing direction in all its forms derives not from the slapdash Internet dartboard (where you'll find a very poor ratio of good advice to bad), but solely from the time-tested works of great genre and literary authors as well as the advice of select professionals with proven track records. Click on "About Author Connect" to learn more about the mission, and on the AAC Development and Pitch Sitemap for a more detailed layout. And btw, it's also advisable to learn from a "negative" by paying close attention to the forum that focuses on bad novel writing advice. Don't neglect. It's worth a close look, i.e, if you're truly serious about writing a publishable novel. And while you're at it, feel free to become an AAC member (sign up above). It's free and always will be.

  1. Novel Writing Courses and "Novel Writing on Edge" Work and Study Forums

    1. Novel Writing on Edge - Nuance, Bewares, Actual Results

      Putrid AdvicePlatitudes, entitled amateurism, popular delusions, and erroneous information are all conspicuously absent from this collection. From concept to query, the goal is to provide you, the aspiring author, with the skills and knowledge it takes to realistically compete. Our best Algonkian craft archives.

      Novel Writing on Edge So Where Do I go Now?
      Novel Writing on Edge Labors, Sins, and Six Acts
      Novel Writing on Edge Crucial Self-editing Techniques

    2. Bad Novel Writing Advice - Will it Never End?

      Putrid Advice The best "bad novel writing advice" articles culled from Novel Writing on Edge. The point isn't to axe grind, rather to warn writers about the many writer-crippling viruses that float about like asteroids of doom. And check out what Isabel says. OMG!

      att.jpg Margaret Atwood Said That?
      att.jpg Don't Outline the Novel?
      att.jpg Critique Criteria for Writer Groups

    3. Art and Life in Novel Writing

      Literary AgentClassic and valuable archive. Misc pearls of utility plus takeaways on craft learned from books utilized in the AAC novel writing program including "Write Away" by Elizabeth George and "The Art of Fiction" by Gardner. Also, evil authors abound!

      Writing Goals The Perfect Query Letter
      Publication The Pub Board - Your Worst Enemy?
      Publication Eight Best Prep Steps Prior to Agent Query

    4. The Short and Long of It

      The Editor Our veteran of ten thousand submissions, Walter Cummins, pens various essays and observations regarding the art of short fiction writing, as well as long fiction. Writer? Author? Editor? Walt has done it all. And worthy of note, he was the second person to ever place a literary journal on the Internet, and that was back in early 1996. We LOVE this guy!

  2. Quiet Hands, Unicorn Mech, Novel Writing Vid Reviews, and More

    1. Novel Writing Advice Videos - Who Has it Right?

      YT Vids Archived AAC reviews of entertaining, informative, and ridiculous novel writing videos found on YT. The mission here is to validate good advice while exposing terrible advice that withers under scrutiny. Our thanks to the Algonkian Critics.

      att.jpg Stephen King's War on Plot
      att.jpg Writing a Hot Sex Scene
      att.jpg The "Secret" to Writing Award Winning Novels?

    2. Unicorn Mech Suit

      Unicorn Mech Suit Olivia's UMS is a place where SF and fantasy writers of all types can acquire inspiration, read fascinating articles and perhaps even absorb an interview with one of the most popular aliens from the Orion east side.

    3. Audrey's Archive - Reviews for Aspiring Authors

      Audrey's CornerAn archive of book reviews taken to the next level for the benefit of aspiring authors. This includes a unique novel-development analysis of contemporary novels by Algonkian Editor Audrey Woods. Very cool!

    4. Writing With Quiet Hands

      spacer.pngAll manner of craft, market, and valuable agent tips from someone who has done it all: Paula Munier. We couldn't be happier she's chosen Algonkian Author Connect as a base from where she can share her experience and wisdom. We're also hoping for more doggie pics! 

    5. Crime Reads - Suspense, Thrillers, Crime, Gun!

      Crime Reads CrimeReads is a culture website for people who believe suspense is the essence of storytelling, questions are as important as answers, and nothing beats the thrill of a good book. It's a single, trusted source where readers can find the best from the world of crime, mystery, and thrillers. No joke, 

  3. New York Write to Pitch and Algonkian Writer Conferences 2025

    1. New York Write to Pitch 2023, 2024, 2025

      Algonkian For Write to Pitch and Algonkian event attendees or alums posting assignments related to their novel or nonfiction. Publishers use this forum to obtain relevant info before and after the conference event.

    2. Algonkian Writer Conferences - Events, FAQ, Contracts

      Algonkian Algonkian Programs create carefully managed environments that allow you to practice the skills and learn the knowledge necessary to approach the development and writing of a competitive novel.

      Algonkian Upcoming Events and Programs
      Algonkian Pre-event - Models, Pub Market, Etc.
      Algonkian Algonkian Conferences - Book Contracts

    3. Algonkian Novel Development and Editorial Program

      Novel Development ProgramThis novel development and writing program conducted online here at AAC was brainstormed by the faculty of Algonkian Writer Conferences and later tested by NYC publishing professionals for practical and time-sensitive utilization.

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Algonkian Success Stories


Bad Advice
What should you accept as credible?

Where it All Began

  • AAC Activity Items

    1. 145

      Algonkian Pre-event Narrative Enhancement Guide - Opening Hook

    2. 0

      Narrative Sample Requested: Part III- The Narrative Exam

    3. 0

      A Whodunnit, according to The Far Side

    4. 32

      Write to Pitch - March 2025

    5. 32

      Write to Pitch - March 2025

    6. 0

      The Best Psychological Thrillers of March 2025

    7. 0

      How Emma van Straaten Wrestled with Her Mixed Race Identity and Wrote a Thriller

    8. 0

      How TV Procedurals Make What’s Bad Feel So Good

    9. 0

      Narrative Sample requested by email: "Part III - The Narrative Final Exam"

    10. 32

      Write to Pitch - March 2025

    11. 32

      Write to Pitch - March 2025

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