Develop and Write the Novel With Track Record Professionals
And Help us Celebrate our 23 Year Anniversary

Workshops, Retreats, Advanced Course Programs, Events Coast to Coast.

Our Ultimate Goal

Events and Programs That Begin Before You Arrive and Continue After You Depart - All Genres.

What does the above mean? Prior to the start of any given event, writers receive critical, publisher-reviewed assignments, a novel development eBook, and must-do checklists, many of which are found in the Algonkian novel writing forums at AA Connect. Additionally, at the conclusion of events, and for manuscript polish purposes, writers are provided with a supplemental novel editorial program that includes additional faculty consultation.

We know that if you are beginning a novel or working on one in-progress, or if you have a completed ms and require a strong reality check, you must receive professional, highly focused reaction not only to your prose and narrative, but to your story premise (most important), plot points, antagonist, secondary characters, conflict lines, theme, and all else. Our ultimate goal, therefore, is to increase your odds of becoming a published author by showing you how to inhabit that upper percentile of writers who will have their work taken seriously by professionals in the business.

- Michael Neff, Director

Algonkian eBookEVENTS AND EDITORIAL PROGRAMS (click for dates):

Algonkian Author Connect (Free Membership)
Novel Development and Editorial Program - Ongoing
Write to Pitch NY - 12/24
Algonkian Park Workshop Retreat - 09/24
Monterey Retreat - 11/24
St. Augustine Author-Mentor - TBA/25

Method Points

Algonkian Coffee A "model-and-context" genre inclusive pedagogy that utilizes models of craft borrowed from successful genre and literary authors, thereby enabling the writer to choose the most appropriate techniques for utilization in the context of their work-in-progress. Emphasis on providing pragmatic, evidence-based novel writing guidance rather than encouraging multiple "writer group" opinions and myths. The firm rejection of "pantsing" when it comes to novel structure, scenes, and overall development. Our conviction that talent is largely irrelevant, i.e., you were not born to the gold, rather you stand on the shoulders of great authors gone before and *only* by hard work will you succeed...

[MORE on AAConnect]

Why Unique?

Algonkian WC Events begin before you arrive and continue after you depart with pre-event and post event novel writing and development study forums. Faculty chosen for publication track records. A factual and demonstrable list of writer contracts and attributions. Sufficient time for productive dialogues with faculty (no timers). MS and prose narrative critiqued by professionals only, not attendees (unlike MFA programs and most workshops). Extensive story and pitch prep prior to sessions with agents or publishers. Focus on market-positioning, high-concept story premise, author platform, and competitive execution. No inappropriate back slapping - emphasis on pragmatism and truth.

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Algonkian Events on Author Connect

Algonkian Workshops and Retreats

Workshops and Retreats Like most European and American retreats and workshops, writers discover themselves immersed in a scenic and relaxing location. Both events include pre-event development assignments online, the Algonkian Study Guide, ample one-on-one time with commercial professionals (agents and editors, not just authors) as well as pragmatic doses of technique and knowledge--the kind necessary to produce competitive and artful work. Our workshops and retreats, including the St. Augustine Author-Mentor (see below), also include a post-event novel development program online. Thus, our events are the only ones that begin before you arrive and continue after you leave.

Writers work with a team of professionals who possess solid track records and a range of practical experience in the world of creative writing, editing, and publishing. The Algonkian success rate has born out the fact that only a certain kind of professional is truly qualified to provide the accurate and detailed advice a writer needs to succeed in this current marketplace. No longer is the faculty credential of only being an author good enough.

Monterey Retreat

Monterey Writer Retreat Only once before have such experienced writer-mentor professionals gathered on the wondrously scenic and soothing Monterey Peninsula for the express purpose of working intimately with aspiring authors, fiction, and memoir writers. In fact though, literary people of all kinds have journeyed for over a century to this location on the California west coast. They come in search of inspiration, individuality, purpose and vision, but more importantly, they all eventually come to share an understanding that art has preceded their arrival in the form of a brutally beautiful sea and windswept shore.

Event Home Page.

Algonkian Classic

Algonkian Park Retreat This event is an evolution of our Algonkian Park Workshop, now enhanced with new pre-event studies as well as greatly extended personal consult time with business professionals. The workshop retreat takes place at Algonkian Park in Virginia--a beautiful and rather enormous expanse of land beside the Potomac River. The scenery, the local wildlife and deer families, the walks along the river and hiking trails, all combine to provide you with an environment conducive to productive writing and inspiration. This is where Algonkian began many miles and years ago.

Event Home Page.

Workshops and Retreats - AConnect

Write to Pitch Conference 2024

Pitch Your First Novel Inheriting the victory medals from its predecessor, the Write to Pitch Conference 2024 in New York arguably becomes the most successful writer conference (if measured by careers and books launched) in the U.S. The event is held four times a year and features publishing house editors from major houses such as Penguin, Random House, St. Martins, Harper Collins, Tor and Del Rey, Kensington Books, and many more who are looking for new novels in a variety of genres, as well as narrative non-fiction. The event focuses on professional novel development and critical reaction by event faculty as the best method for creating an artful marketing pitch. Once done, the pitch itself also serves as a diagnostic tool for workshopping the plot, premise, prose, and other crucial elements. It is worth noting that participants begin the process by utilizing a pre-event eBook (as well as other assignments) to polish their manuscripts, and continue the process afterwards in a post-event editorial program online. Therefore our motto:

There are no great writers, only great rewriters.


Authors Comment

It's hard to fathom that over a decade has passed since Rosemary DiBattista (Rosie Genova) and I attended the pitch conference. There we were, two aspiring writer-hopefuls, and yet frozen in terror... It has been a long, sometimes thorny journey. But we made it to the other side, both of us having now published three books... So thank you for giving us the opportunity and the jump-start that we needed to launch.

- Loretta Marion

Authors Comment

The New York Pitch proved the best decision of my fiction writing career--though it didn't feel that way at first. I was assigned to a small workshop with the woman who would become my agent, Paula Munier. She critiqued our query letters and first pages explaining what sells and what makes industry professionals ship things to the slush pile. Afterward, we had the opportunity to pitch real editors.

- Cate Holahan

Write to Pitch 2023

St. Augustine Author-Mentor

St. Augustine Come Prepared to Write and Learn From the Best
February TBA, 2025

The Author-Mentor Novel Workshop in St. Augustine creates an intimate and professional environment that combines private meetings with small-group workshops, thus enabling aspiring authors to wisely approach the writing and publication of their novel. At the St. Augustine event, aspiring authors will: 1) work one-on-one with authors and savvy market professionals; 2) acquire the market skills and advanced story and narrative technique they must know to become published; 3) learn the necessary inside mechanics of the publishing business; and 4) leave the workshop with a detailed plan to work towards publication of their novel.

Because this workshop accepts far fewer writers than most conferences, those writers who are accepted are given more time to establish relationships with professionals who are present; and unlike several major celeb conferences, St. Augustine Author-Mentor does not simply import name authors or agents to give inspirational messages and smile over cocktails. Our prize-winning faculty are there to meet with writers in a setting conducive to productive discussion of writing and publishing.

Who Should Go?

The faculty wish to interact with writers willing to learn the proper technique, receive honest reaction to their writing, and work towards commercial publication. They consider novel writing to be a calling, not a hobby. The event accepts published writers, as well as beginners who demonstrate in the application they are serious about writing and possess a willingness to learn. Genres include upmarket/literary, general fiction, women's fiction, SF/F, young adult/middle grade fantasy and non-fantasy, speculative and urban fantasy, mystery (cozy/detective) and thrillers.


St. Augustine

Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest city in America. But what is the oldest city in America like? Imagine the French Quarter in New Orleans meets Santa Cruz, California, and as a bonus, a miles-long strip of white Cocoa Beach thrown in for good measure. The best of classic Florida and old-world Spain fuse to form a ideal location for a stimulating and productive writer event. The event location on Vilano Beach known as "The Main House" is a unique environment that offers all of the amenities associated with larger resort hotels, while maintaining the intimacy of a small inn.


St. Augustine A-M Event

Novel Development Program Online

Novel Development Modules Algonkian Novel Writing Courses online (16 course modules) set the goal of getting you as close to the brass ring as possible by making your novel as commercially competitive as it needs to be on all levels of structure and craft while avoiding critical missteps and the omnipresent tripwires of bad advice. In addition, it doesn't matter what stage the novel is currently in or where you are in your writing life. The program steps, course modules, and methodology, as well as the faculty, enable you to learn and grow as a writer together with your novel, and at your own pace. Your work is reviewed by a professional developmental editor and together you set publication goals, discuss agent representation options, and engage in manuscript edits as necessary and appropriate.

There simply is no other novel writing program that can compare in terms of rigor, approach, or syllabus. As a bonus, you avoid the usual pitfalls that accompany group feedback from amateurs, not to mention poor guidance from instructors insufficiently versed in the nuances of genre fiction and commercial markets.

Syllabus Samples

Choosing the Antagonist; Antagonist Role in Energizing Plot Lines and Defining Dramatic Tension; Social Reaction and Psyche Profile of Antagonists; Traits and Physical Nature of the Antagonist; Anecdotes Featuring Your Antagonist; Antagonist Relation to Three-Level Conflict Dynamic; Using the Hook Line to Bait and Test Your Commercial High Concept; Hook Elements; the Coming of the "Agon" and Creating the Three-Level Conflict Dynamic; Writing Conflict Lines; Using the Right Setting to Maximize Opportunities for Unique Circumstance, Complications, Character and Verve.

Program Features

A thorough, editor-approved outline of all your novel's plot points, reversals, and complications. Your first 100 pages of your novel in competitively polished shape. An editor-supervised application of our advanced craft technique (see syllabus), resulting in a personalized and competitive narrative style. Access to an indefinite number of private phone consultations from program faculty regarding your story premise, prose narrative, and all major novel elements A realistic publication plan going forward based on your manuscript's current stage of development, as well as your skill set.
Novel Development Program Online

Novel Editorial Service - MTM

The Novel Editors Manuscripts to Market specializes in successfully developing, editing, and market-positioning commercial genre and literary novels, concluding the process with query letter supervision and agent consultation. The primary goal for each novel we take on is simple: to get it published by a major house or distinguished press. The primary goal for the clients we take on is simple also: to remake and mentor them into better writers. Our success and expertise in developing and editing the popular genres of mystery, crime, suspense and thriller, SF/F adult and YA, historical and narrative nonfiction of any type, as well as women's fiction in all sub-genres, is the result of many years in the publishing business (both commercial and literary presses) as well as authoring our own fiction, and editing fiction for others, not to mention leading workshops at the most successful writer event in the country, the Write to Pitch Conference 2023. Many of the writers who attend are mentored by us into successful commercial publication.

Four Step Process

What differentiates the MTM approach and faculty credentials from the many academic instructors, former authors, ex-publishing house editors, and others of various stripes who labor daily on hundreds if not thousands of novel and nonfiction manuscripts? The answers as follows. Our "first line to final contract" services for any given project are more comprehensive and pragmatic than other novel editing outfits.

Inconvenient Truth

The inconvenient truth about the freelance novel editorial business consists of knowing that "one pass editing" (especially as it pertains to unpublished writers) will never result in commercial or literary publication. In reality, it creates enough edits and reveals enough structural and character flaws to make the revision process often seem nearly insurmountable. As professional editors, we've known this for years.

Manuscripts to Market