Novel Writing Advice Videos - Who Has it Right?
Archived AAC reviews of entertaining, informative, and ridiculous novel writing videos found on YT. The mission here is to validate good advice while exposing terrible advice that withers under scrutiny. Our thanks to the Algonkian Critics.
Stephen King's War on Plot
Writing a Hot Sex Scene
The "Secret" to Writing Award Winning Novels?
12 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Like Kara, I also don’t write sex scenes. I tried once and failed spectacularly. After listening to Jenna Moreci’s advice I understand why! If you plan to write a sex scene, I wholeheartedly encourage you to watch this video. Jenna outlines ten tips to help writers with sex scenes and provides practical how-to advice. [MORE BELOW]
Last reply by Chief Editor, -
- 5 replies
In the context of NaNoWriMo, I find this video to be a useful kickstarter for new writers looking to figure out how they're going to start page one. I especially like the idea of "types of progress" whether it be through information, physical movement, etc. While I do think Sanderson's "Promise, Progress toward that promise, and Payoff" structure is quite a bit oversimplified... [SEE BELOW]
Last reply by EditorAdmin, -
- 5 replies
Delivered with a display of abstracted and theatrical gravitas, his speech staged itself in noble fashion, puttering out with proper pauses and plenty of sincere expression. I'm unclear as to what "honesty" actually meant in the context of reinventing his writing life, unless he meant that projecting himself into a first person narrator was an act of honesty? Overall though, I would not recommend this to anyone. Just not enough substance. Course, if you're a big Gaiman fan you might marvel at his lordship's demeanor and penchant for pithy pronouncement. - Michael
Last reply by Chief Editor, -
- 5 replies
Legend has it these were written on the back of a napkin for a friend, and man, was that a big napkin! Regardless, more helpful than Papa and yet perhaps not applicable to contemporary forms of genre fiction? Our Video-Film Crit Board experts shall weigh in on this matter of enduring importance and answer at last, "Does One Size Fit All?"
Last reply by Chief Editor, -
- 4 replies
A well-meaning Hemingway fan checks off his primary writing "rules" and thus provides a future meal for the Algonkian Film and Video Crit Board. "Short sentences," eh Papa?... No, Papa! Don't punch me! Stop drinking! Yes, yes, Fitzgerald was stupid! Okay!
Last reply by aawoods, -
- 3 replies
Here we have one of the darling fairy children of Reedsy teaching us how to just slap down that blank page and type out a marketable novel outline in no time flat! Miracle of miracles. I never knew it could be this easy!
Last reply by JAaronHall, -
- 19 replies
In the topic thread below you will find several responses by veteran writers and authors critical of Stephen King's personal opinions regarding plotting, and further reaction to his disparaging of authors who themselves utilize plot and story planning techniques (for example, J.K. Rowling). We here at Algonkian Author Connect believe the dialogue concerning this issue is important, especially for writers relatively new to novel writing. Feel free to contact us with any thoughts you might have. Thank you.
Last reply by EditorAdmin, -
- 6 replies
The personality goes on to state that a lot of work and planning will work it's magic to evolve, by inference, even a bad story idea into a "great story." Let's be hyperbolic about this for the sake of example. Writer X has a story idea that pretty much mimics The Hunger Games... Need I continue to elaborate?
Last reply by EditorAdmin, -
- 9 replies
While this video is based on helping people write a novel, or to at least be happier while trying, I have to confess that I did not feel happier after watching this. The overall tone did not make me want to run to my keyboard and start working on a new manuscript (forget that I’m already at it typing this post). On the contrary, I kind of got depressed. [MORE BELOW]
Last reply by EditorAdmin, -
- 7 replies
That said, I agree with Joe that this video might do more harm than good when it comes to giving writers advice. It sounds like Hank is (as we've been hammering on so hard here) a pantser. From the way he described his process, it sounds like he sort of wanders through the story and sees where his interest (and the characters) take him. [MORE BELOW]
Last reply by EditorAdmin, -
- 9 replies
Nothing is original? False. The "Hunger Games" idea was original when first conceived for BATTLE ROYALE. It ceased any claim to originality once recycled into "The Hunger Games," but prior to that it was original. All story ideas currently extant were once original at one time in the past. Classic examples? [MORE INFO]
Last reply by Chief Editor, -
- 5 replies
Her name is Meg LaTorre. Her self-published novel can be found here: The Cyborg Tinkerer (1) (The Curious Case of the Cyborg Circus): LaTorre, Meg: 9781734601800: Books
Last reply by elisehartkipness,