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Carmen Gray

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  • Location
    Austin, Texas
  • Interests
    Meditation, yoga (I teach classes weekly), travel, gracefully hanging on by the seat of my pants through motherhood (my kids are young adults now). I've learned about cancer journeys (my youngest survived a rare cancer at 13), mental health, transgender issues and more throughout the years.

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  • About Me
    I am a Native Texan of Mexican-American heritage and a Dual Language (Spanish/English) teacher in Austin, Texas. In addition to being a teacher, I lead yoga/meditation classes weekly and am a freelance writer and contributing editor for Latino magazine. I've appeared 3 times in different volumes of Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers. I've also authored both a femme fatale short story and a YA horror fiction piece published by Castle Bridge Media. My poetry can be found on walkersonthejourney.com. Based upon my heritage, my travels to Mexico and my many lessons on monarch butterflies, my novel is authentic and culturally sensitive. I would most likely catergorize it as Latine Gothic, but could also be speculative fiction.
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