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  • Welcome to Algonkian Author Connect

    Novel Writing and Development From Premise to Publication

    AlgonkianHASTE IS A WRITER'S SECOND WORST ENEMY, HUBRIS BEING THE FIRST, AND BAD ADVICE IS SECONDS BEHIND THEM BOTH... Welcome to Author Connect. Created and nurtured by Algonkian Writer Events and Programs, this website is dedicated to enabling aspiring authors in all genres to become commercially published. The various and unique forum sites herein provide you with the best and most comprehensive writing, development, and editorial guidance available online. And you might well ask, what gives us the right to make that claim? Our track record for getting writers published for starters. Regardless, what is the best approach for utilizing this website as efficiently as possible? If you are new, best to begin with our "Novel Writing on Edge" (NWOE) forum. Peruse the development and editorial topics arrayed before you, and once done, proceed to the more exclusive NWOE guide partitioned into three major sections.

    In tandem, you will also benefit by sampling the editorial, advice review, and next-level craft archives found below. Each one contains valuable content to guide you on a realistic path to publication. In a world overflowing with misleading and erroneous novel writing advice our goal is to become your primary and tie-breaking source .

    Your Primary and Tie-Breaking Source - From the Heart, But Smart

    There are no great writers, only great rewriters.

    AlgonkianFor the record, our novel writing direction in all its forms derives not from the slapdash Internet dartboard (where you'll find a very poor ratio of good advice to bad), but solely from the time-tested works of great genre and literary authors as well as the advice of select professionals with proven track records. Click on "About Author Connect" to learn more about the mission, and on the AAC Development and Pitch Sitemap for a more detailed layout. And btw, it's also advisable to learn from a "negative" by paying close attention to the forum that focuses on bad novel writing advice. Don't neglect. It's worth a close look, i.e, if you're truly serious about writing a publishable novel. And while you're at it, feel free to become an AAC member (sign up above). It's free and always will be.

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Where it All Began

  • AAC Activity Items

    1. 0

      On Season One of Search Party

    2. 0

      The Widow of Winchester (1st 10 pages, 1 1/2 chapters)

    3. 144

      Algonkian Pre-event Narrative Enhancement Guide - Opening Hook

    4. 0

      On Listening to Your Stories: Writing Across Genres in a Shelf-Specific World

    5. 0

      Why We Find Bad Friendships So Compelling, In Fiction and IRL

    6. 0

      How a Career as a Diplomat Informed a Life as a Writer

    7. 0

      An Army of Sword Lilies, YA Fantasy - First Pages

    8. 0

      Leora and the Luminescent Pearl - Ch 0, 1, 3

    9. 0

      Hell Hath No Fury, Chapter 1, First Four Pages

    10. 0

      Striving After Wind-Susan W Yancey (Prologue-pages 1-2)

    11. 0

      The Last Days Michael Stewart, a Young Black Artist of the East Village in the 1980s

    12. 0

      Nick Kolakowski on Mining the Past for a Hollywood Fixer Mystery

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