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Algonkian Novel Writing and MS Revision Courses
    Pre-MFA, Post-MFA, or No MFA - Get Your Novel on a Realistic Path to Publication

   thumb-algonkian-tiny.jpg In Cooperation and Partnership With
Algonkian Writer Conferences and the New York Pitch

Why is This Novel Writing Program Unique?

  • Our "model-and-context" and "cross-module" approach to studying and applying proper technique on all levels while at the same time your novel is being effectively developed and edited.
  • The array and type of fiction works studied and referenced in the program modules.
  • The array and type of analytical articles and books reviewed in the program.
  • A detailed 16 module syllabus that exhaustively covers all the major novel elements as well as the authors studied or referenced.
  • A layer by layer approach to teaching you how to write multi-angled and unpredictable cinematic narrative, taking show-don't-tell to its ultimate expression.
  • Program faculty who are seasoned, track-record professionals like Michael Neff and who have not only sold and developed major commercial projects, but are fiction writers themselves with publication records.
  • The direct connection with Algonkian Writer Conferences and their network of literary agents, TV/Film contacts, and publishing house acquisition editors.
  • The fact that advice and critique derives exclusively from the type of professionals noted above. In our opinion, this approach is crucial. Amateur writers, no matter how well meaning, do not understand the nuances necessary to be truly effective mentors. In other words, we eschew the MFA approach and focus on the Algonkian approach.


What About Start Date, Time Involved?

There is no arbitrary start date. You begin the first module and proceed through the next 15 modules once you've entered the program, or at such time you decide to begin. In theory, you might wish to review a few modules first, take some notes and consider before starting the first assignment. Once you have begun, you progress through the program, writing or rewriting your novel a step at a time at your own pace, returning to prior modules as needed and editing further based on new skills developed and knowledge gained.

The amount of time it will take any particular writer to complete the entire novel writing program, receive professionals reviews, return to edit their work, and move on to the agent query process (or else to further project development), will depend entirely on each writer's background knowledge, skill set, and extant novel manuscript quality upon entering the program. Also, given the fact that most people work and have other lives, we estimate a minimum of 18 weeks to complete the program--though if it takes longer, so be it. When all is said and done, the amount of time to complete is fundamentally irrelevant.

The cost of the entire program is $299.00. The application and registration page can be found here. There are no extra fees for consultations, query letter prep, or any other related activity deemed necessary by faculty. Additionally, our writers can also take whatever breaks or hiatus they need, for whatever reason, and suffer no detrimental issues or extra fees as a result.


How Much Hand Holding is Necessary?

From experience, the designers of this program knew that every writer entering it would most likely require serious ms rewrites as well as instruction in advanced narrative and structural technique, and therefore, be insufficiently close to a publishable manuscript. The aim and method of the program is to get you as close as possible via the modules, and once done, a faculty consultant assumes control from that point in order to provide professional editorial input and hands-on query guidance.

NOTE: if you are participating in this program as an Algonkian alum, faculty will review final sell sheets prior to querying.

Once you are in the editorial consult and agent query phase, your communications with a faculty member are not limited to a set number of emails or phone calls, but are indefinite in consideration of the fact that varying projects and writers require varying amounts of time to come to successful completion.


Does Every Writer Have the Potential to Succeed?

Nearly everyone has the potential to write a breakout novel and go on to become a successful commercial author, but precious few finally accomplish the task. Do we know why this is the rule?

Writer conferences, author workshops, books, ms editors, and even the most pointless of MFA programs play a part in a writer's evolution, but none of these provide the overall pragmatic means and method to finish the job (and quite often, not even to start it). If this were not the case, an imaginative and ambitious writer would only have to attend an MFA program at Iowa, for example, and become a published author in due course. But this rarely if ever happens, despite expenditures in the range of $30,000 to $80,000 (Iowa Grad Program for two full years). And aside from this lack of comprehensive and realistic training, many other factors come into play that hamper the aspiring commercial author, everything from prickly skin to incompetent writer groups to misunderstandings of market dynamics.

Consider. Would you try to build a livable and quite stylish home on your own without an architect and a professional home builder simply because you had the ability to hammer a few boards together with nails? Of course not. You would acquire the expertise and skills before you began. And yet, new writers approach the creation of a thing equally or more complex, such as the writing of a competitive commercial novel, in the belief they can do so because they have a story idea, can type words on a page, and have read a few magazines about writing. They consult with other new writers as ignorant as themselves and proceed to build a house called a novel, but one that will not risk their lives because fortunately for them, it is all on paper.

What Type of Aspiring Authors Should Apply?

Serious, self-starting writers willing to conceive, write and craft their novel in the due course of completing this program, and who are willing to accept critical guidance from professionals in the business. We emphasize "serious" because this program is rigorous and challenging, and not like a college extension cyber-class or a typical online workshop. The more knowledge and skills you acquire, the more you apply, returning as necessary to edit until a review by a faculty editor takes place. 

Aspiring authors, regardless of manuscript stage, benefit from this approach and editorial mentorship. It's about starting with the first sentence and proceeding to the denouement. The program methodically addresses all structural, premise, and narrative aspects of your novel, and in a manner beneficial to making it more competitive while also evolving your writer skill set, no matter your level at the start of the program. 

How Does This Program Apply to All Genres?

The art of good storytelling never changes. The courses and modules approach the art of writing commercial fiction in a manner that applies to upmarket/literary and all commercial genres. See the Six Act Two-Goal Novel page on "Novel Writing on Edge" to get an idea of what we're talking about. The courses accomplish three primary goals. They enable you to:

  • Learn and practice advanced premise-plot and character technique.
  • Learn and practice advanced narrative and prose style craft.
  • Learn and apply said technique, narrative craft, and knowledge to your own work-in-progress.
  • Come to a firm understanding of the role today's market plays in getting your novel published.

Genres we work with include upmarket/literary, general fiction, SF adult and YA/MG, fantasy adult and YA/MG (as well as New Adult), urban fantasy, mysteries of all types, detective/true crime, suspense/thrillers, women's fiction both serious and light, as well as paranormal romance.

How Do I Graduate?

  • Successful completion of Parts I and II.
  • Application of work, editorial direction, and critical lessons learned to your novel-in-progress manuscript as evidenced by story development outlines, prose samples, and other criteria as deemed appropriate by program faculty.
  • Completion of the self-coverage novel scorebox.
  • Completion of all extra assignments and readings related to the program.
  • Completion of faculty review and adoption of further edits as necessary.
  • Joint approval of your publication plan going forward.


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att.jpg About the Algonkian NWEP
att.jpg Novels and Authors Studied
att.jpg Frequently Asked Questions
att.jpg Program Syllabus - Part I and II
att.jpg Application - Registration
att.jpg Program Sample 2023


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