Creating your author’s platform can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, and for good reason. There’s lots to worry about. What do I say about myself? What photo of me looks the best? What if I’m nowhere near close to being published? Do I start with a website first, or a presence on social media? Rest assured that all these questions, and more, get answered in my top picks of the week:
#1: Your Author Platform – Is it Ever too Soon to Start?
The short answer is no. It is never too soon to start and I’ll let Karen Cioffi explain why.
#2: Do I Need a Platform and If So, How High?
Are you an expert on what you’re writing about? This article gives tips on how to become one to help you get seen and eventually published.
#3: Social Media for Authors: An Interview with Leili Mckinley
Learn from social media expert Leili McKinley. In this article she gives the answers to a few burning questions authors want to know about social media marketing.
#4: A Smarter Author Platform for the Digital Era of Publishing
This really gets into the meat of social media, websites, and other marketing strategies. If you’re ready for a hefty dose of information that really digs deep into the author platform then this one is for you.
Happy week and happy writing to you all.
Until next time,