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Posts posted by JosephjFraley

  1. Assignment One

    Story Statement: The road to that easy, promised American dream is right there but is threatened by one man who could ruin it all!


    Assignment Two:

    As the protagonist, Alex, fights to fulfill the plan their family has laid out before them, they begin to lose themselves and their identity. In one last chance, Alex meets the antagonist, John, a disabled elderly man who challenges everything Alex believes in. Through his times as a millionaire, a spy, a cop, and a father, John challenges Alex to live their own life, at whatever the cost. John pushes Alex as they lose their family, their girlfriend, and their home further and further to accept his truth. Is there the secret of life buried deep within John’s aged mind?

    Additional information:

    Further in the book, the reader discovers the real antagonist, Alex's grandmother. She becomes the bigger threat and the dominating force that keeps Alex from completing their goals.

    Two rivaling antagonists fight to change the perspective of the protagonist. One seeks to control Alex’s life and have them stay chained to their family, while the other knows it may cost Alex everything, but you have to live your life, your way.


    Assignment Three:

    Babysitting Gandhi

    Babysitting a Hero

    Tending to Confucius


    Assignment Four:

    “A Man Called Ove,” A story with an unassuming man that still has a lot to offer. This book is funny, insightful, and emotional. Each of these aspects are highly comparable with my own novel.

    “Finding Chika,” lets the reader know this is an inspirational tale with a lot of emotion. I chose this title as a comparable because it will, hopefully, conjure up memories of Mitch Albom’s other work, “Tuesdays with Morrie.”


    Assignment Five:

    Hook line: This book tells the story of an unreliable narrator that denies their transgender identity and slowly self-destructs. Their only salvation lies in the last place they’d look: an elderly man who hides vast wisdom within a lifetime of seemingly impossible adventures.


     Revised Hook:

    A young trans woman hell-bent on the American dream denies their identity and their unborn child to appease their family; closer than ever before to that promised life, they meet an elderly man with dementia who claims to have been a millionaire and a spy shattering everything they've worked towards.


    Assignment Six:

    My novel features a great deal of conflict. One aspect of novel writing I prioritized was tension on every page. The novel opens with secondary conflict between the protagonist and their girlfriend as they pressure her into an abortion.

    This leads to the main conflict that Alex has been told a plan by their family and will not jeopardize that plan no matter the cost. Alex’s “family legacy,” to be the new patriarch of their family and keep the family name going on.

    Which leads to another conflict: Alex’s inner conflict and their transgender identity. A subtle plot line that reinforces the main theme of the story: to live your life the way you want.

    This inner conflict is one of the reasons Alex can’t be a “father” to the unborn child. They need to come to grips with who they are and not who their family wants them to be.

    All elements work in tandem to heighten the message, the motivations, and the character’s growth.


    Assignment Seven:

    The story’s setting has a good deal of intrigue and is fairly symbolic of their plight. The protagonist’s home is small, and claustrophobic as their world caves in around them. The primary setting of the elderly man’s residence is labyrinthian and houses many unique characters that have a lot to offer, but it is buried deep within. And Alex’s family residence is a disgusting perversion of nostalgia, legacy, and judgement. It is often described as a “stage” to illustrate that. Although contemporary, I have done my best to spin these familiar locations.

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