Chief Editor Posted January 28 Posted January 28 Who wants to read about death all the time? Fans of murder mysteries do, and not just because those folks are morbid (though some undoubtedly are). It turns out death on the page can make for a better, more interesting life. There are mystery novels that feature nonviolent crimes like robberies, heists, and con artists, and while they’re entertaining in their own right, let’s face it; a murder or two definitely ups the ante. Readers go all in when there’s a dead body in the scene. The story may describe the murder in bloody, grisly detail, or it might be a “cozy” mystery where the dastardly deed happens off the page and there is none of the blood, guts, sex, and salty language of its brethren. Still others, like my humorous Mattie Winston Mysteries, which feature a nurse-turned-coroner and include some graphic autopsy scenes, fall somewhere in between (and yes, death can be funny.) They all have one thing in common: someone gets murdered. Murder mysteries typically center around a protagonist who is trying to identify a killer and bring them to justice. These primary characters cover the map in terms of gender, age, personality, location, skills, and level of professionalism. The victims are equally varied, and things are rounded out with a host of supporting characters. There is something for everyone in mystery fiction: endless ways to kill people, endless motives for doing it, and a seemingly endless parade of folks—or in the case of my Monster Hunter Mysteries, cryptids—that might have done the deed. No matter what sort of packaging the story comes wrapped in, be assured, death is among us. So, what makes murder mysteries so popular? BRAIN TRAINING At the heart of every mystery is a puzzle to be solved and therein lies much of the appeal. People love puzzles and a good murder mystery serves up plenty of them as readers try to figure out who the culprit is, what they did, and how and why they did it, picking up subtle clues along the way. It requires keeping track of numerous characters, plot twists, red herrings, and hints. It’s a complex, multifaceted mental challenge. Studies have shown that solving puzzles alters one’s brain chemistry by increasing the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure, reward, and motivation. Murder mysteries engage our brains, train our powers of observation, enhance memory, stimulate thought, and hone our critical thinking, skills that translate well into real-life situations. REWARD In addition to the feel-good dopamine release mentioned above, some readers like the chance to “outsmart” the story’s sleuth, whether said “detective” is an amateur or a professional. To do so can be empowering and validating. Others prefer to be surprised, a curious bystander observing as the exciting action unfolds. Whichever role a reader prefers, in the end they are typically left with a sense of satisfaction for justice served when the perpetrator is caught and punished. Misbehaving peripheral characters, who may well resemble people we encounter in everyday life, often get their comeuppance as well, providing additional gratification. And if that isn’t enough reward, some mysteries educate readers with extras related to the protagonist’s business or area of expertise: recipes, organizational tips, home decorating, craft ideas, and more. ESCAPISM These days, we are subjected to daily doses of grim news online, on TV, and in the papers, reports that are often filled with violence, death, and destruction. Some days it feels like it’s everywhere you look and in everything you see or listen to. It can be overwhelming and make us desperate for a temporary reprieve. While it seems counterintuitive to achieve this escape by reading a book where someone is murdered, surprisingly, it can help. In your typical fictional murder mystery, justice, order, and kindness prevail. The predictability of it is reassuring and it can leave a reader with the feeling, however temporary, that all is right with the world, even when it isn’t. It reinforces a sense of hope and the belief that we are not alone in experiencing the darker side of humanity. In my Monster Hunter Mysteries, cryptozoologist Morgan Carter suffers from PTSD because of violence and death in her personal history. Rather than hide away, she seeks out situations involving other violent deaths because seeking truth and justice helps her deal with her anxieties. VICARIOUS LIVING Murder mysteries allow a reader to experience a variety of highs and lows, dangers and discoveries, excitement and adventure without ever leaving the security of their home. It’s the thrill of a high-stakes game without the consequences. It can also allow the reader a chance to safely explore taboos, encounter different types of people, experience other cultures, travel to exotic and mysterious locales, or in the case of my Monster Hunter Mysteries, hunt for cryptids like Bigfoot and the Hodag. WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD Reading about someone else’s death, even if it’s fictional, sates our morbid curiosity and instills in us a fresh appreciation for the preciousness of life. We’re all going to die and most of us don’t know how or when on any given day. To quote the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, “Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.” Reading a murder mystery is the literary equivalent of whistling past the graveyard, a way to calm ourselves and feel optimistic in the face of our grim reality. It’s like saying, “Yeah, I know it’s coming, but for now it’s coming for this fictional character, not for me.” Then you smile, turn the page, and indulge yourself in all the tawdry, morbid details. *** View the full article
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