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The Three Most Important Core Elements

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Need to stress the following three major novel elements because they have the largest ripple impact on the novel as a whole:
1. The Setting:
2. Primary Antagonist:
3. High-Concept Story:
You should have already read the above articles, but if you have not, please do so asap.
Consider the extreme importance of a story idea that sounds sufficiently different to sell in today’s market. Consider also the most important character in genre fiction, the antagonist, and their role in galvanizing the entire plot line. And finally, consider how difficult it will be without a vital and interesting setting to create characters and circumstances (and therefore plot) that will enhance the story enough to make the novel as truly unique and marketable as it can be.
All else derives in one way or another from these three major elements—theme, drama, protagonist, complications, etc.

Michael Neff
Algonkian Producer
New York Pitch Director
Author, Development Exec, Editor

We are the makers of novels, and we are the dreamers of dreams.

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